Love Nuts but Hate the Calories

At the upscale kitchen we not only love to cook but we are always interested in our health and the health of our readers. So from time to time we will blog about making healthy choices that influence our daily lives. This is the first blog in the UpScaleKitchen healthy living series hope you enjoy.
Research has found eating nuts and/or nut butters at least five times a week may decrease the probability of Diabetes Mellitus 20% compared to those never eating nuts and nut butters, also helping with your weight loss journey by adding variety and chewy satisfaction.  These healthy fats contain fiber and magnesium in raw forms, resulting in better management of insulin and sugar levels.
Nut butters can be used in a weight loss program, use Natural butters.  Roasting nuts change essential fatty acids into destructive fat harmful to the body.  A perfect snack is to use Apples or Pears with Nut Butter on them.
Raw nuts are rich in essential fatty acids, called Omega-3 fatty acids.  Our bodies do not produce Omega-3, therefore we need to obtain by supplements or food sources, eating raw nuts is an effective way to obtain healthy fats.
Although nuts have a high fat and calorie content, they do contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats, which should be included in our daily diets.  Nuts contain Protein, Fiber, Antioxidants including Vitamin E and more Nutrients.
The recommended serving is about a handful (1oz) per serving. The Protein, Fiber and Fat in Nuts aid in satiety helping us feel fuller longer therefore eating less in the day.  Nuts eaters have a lower incidence of Diabetes when compared to those who rarely ate nuts.
Nuts in shells are more time consuming, peeling results in pacing ourselves, eating slower and chewing longer.  Avoid nuts coated in Salt, Sugar, Honey and Seasonings. These types of nuts are considered "junk food".  Stick with dry roasted or raw varieties, or you can always Roast Nuts in a skillet without seasonings.
Sprinkle nuts on Cereal, with Yogurt, Salads and as a Snack.
Remember: Moderation is the key with any Weight Loss Program.

Almonds       23 nuts             160 Calories      6 g Protein      14 g Fat
Pistachios     49nuts              160 Calories     6 g Protein      13 g Fat
Cashews       16-18 nuts        160 Calories      5 g Protein      13 g Fat
Peanuts         28unshelled      185 Calories     7 g Protein      14 g Fat
Walnuts        14halves           185 Calorie       4 g Protein      18 g Fat
Brazil Nuts    6nuts               190 Calories      4 g Protein      19 g Fat
Just Enjoy and receive all the benefits from Nuts

At TheUpScaleKitchen we are always searching for new recipes and tips to share.  Some recipes are from our family some we find while researching topics for our blog.  We want to hear about your experiences please leave your comments below.
